
Showing posts from November, 2021

PhysComp Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal Concept: A motion controller for Apex Legends. Apex is a popular battle royale FPS game. The motion controller would be replacing the mouse functions in the game, so you'd play with one hand on the keyboard using the WASD and other abilities, while the right hand would be using the motion controller to control the camera, scoping, and shooting. Fabrication: This project should just require the Arduino, an accelerometer, a couple push buttons, and the physical object everything will be attached to. I'd attach everything to either a 3D printed or store-bought toy gun. I need a button on the side that controls using the scope of the gun and then another button or the trigger would control the shoot. If I have time, I can add extra features for reloading and swapping weapons on the controller so you don't have to use the keyboard. Playtesting: For playtesting, I'll just need my laptop with the game and the controller. I'm hoping that the controlle...

ICM Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal Project Category: Rhythm Game Inspiration: I just enjoy rhythm games. I like listening to music almost 24/7 and rhythm games are a creative way to engage with music besides singing or dancing. This is really just a project to make me happy but if other people enjoy playing it, that'd be rewarding as well. Plan: I'm hoping to take the things I learned during the Midterm ( and improve on them. I also want to incorporate the things I learned while making the visualizer (, such as the blurred background and maybe the particle effect (as seen below). I'll probably completely change the layout of the way I did things in the Midterm because I think the way it's mapped out makes it very difficult to distinguish directions, at least for me. I haven't decided if I want to do a falling notes style, like in Guitar Hero, have the notes come from the center ...

ICM Week #10

For this assignment, my goal was to create a standard visualizer for a music track because I find them entertaining to watch. I started by watching the coding train playlist on audio. I then did some research of my own and found a descriptive video on how to go about creating a visualizer with some extra flair. I adapted the method that that video showed to suit my own creative desires and came out with a somewhat decent visualizer for my audio track. The only thing that I would perhaps like to improve about this visualizer is making the jumps less violent (ex. during the quieter parts of the song, have the visualizer a bit tamer with the animation). I didn't encounter any significant problems while making this. Inspiration Sketch

Hypercinema Week #9

Project Concept: I changed the concept of my project many times so I really only had one week to plan, create assets, animate, and export to aero. The final concept that I decided upon was to create an AR christmas card. When I send cards to family, I use the fancy ones with the pop-up decorations. I think the company is called LovePop.  The art of card crafting has only become more extravagant as time goes on, so it seemed like a logical step to me that eventually we'd make novelty digital cards.  I could see the project that I worked on becoming a legitimate business where you could customize several assets of the card and perhaps green screen the background to be custom as well, before sending your AR card recording to a loved one. For example, my card has both English and Polish expressions of holiday wishes because my in-laws are Polish. I imagine this being one of the aspects that could be customized based on cultural or religious differences. The video and image assets ...

PhysComp Week #9

Concept: The idea behind this project is that there would be a pot of flowers in front of a monitor. On the monitor will be a picture of trees. The flowers are meant to be alluring to viewers, but if they reach out to touch them, the image on the screen fades to the same location as the previous image, except now all the trees are gone. This is meant to represent how it's human interaction on nature that's causing it's destruction, and that no matter how beautiful something is we have to resist out innate urge to interact with or own it. When the person removes their hand from the sensors, the image slowly fades back to the previous one. Diagram/Schematic:   Final Product: I managed to get the final fabrication completed. The only annoyance was that the roses also set off the sensors so I had to cut down on how many I used, which ruins the illusion of it just being a normal flower pot and hiding the sensors. If I were to continue working on this project, I'd probably...

PhysComp Week #8

For Project 2, I decided to go with a completely different idea than the one I discussed in class. I was originally going to do a game controller, but I decided to do a project involving IR Sensors that change a slideshow in P5. The idea is that there would be a slideshow playing on a screen that has two indexes. The first is of natural landscapes before human damage and the second set of images is of the same place after human interference. The before pictures, or the "good" images would be sliding on a timer. In front of the screen will be a pot of flowers where the IR Sensors will be hidden. I assumed that upon seeing something like that most people would have the urge to reach out and touch the flowers, upon which the slideshow would change to the second set of images with the "bad" landscapes. When the IR Sensors are not being triggered it'll return to the "good" images.  This project is to show how we as humans see beauty and have an innate desir...

ICM Week #8

For this week's creative exercise I decided to work on a slideshow with mouse function capabilities. This slideshow will be incorporated into my Phys Comp project so this assignment was perfectly timed. The idea behind the slideshow is that it is showing before and after photos of natural environments as they been affected by human interaction. The slideshow changes through the before images on a timer and if the mouse is pressed, it shows the after version of the photo. The only annoying thing I ran into was trying to find high quality images to use that weren't marked up with text or symbols. Since I wanted all the images to be the same size on the slideshow, but the source images were all different ratios and qualities, I had to trim them all down to a 1:1 ratio which made the quality even worse. Other than that, it wasn't too bad to put together.

Hypercinema Week #7

Concept: The setting for this is on a kid's desk, perhaps in a school or a bedroom. On the desk is this drawing of a dolphin. The dolphin will start to move and eventually "escape" from the portrait and be present in the "real" world. I was debating whether when it's in the real world to change it to a picture of a real dolphin, like it's becoming real by escaping the picture, or to leave it as a drawing. This project is to reflect on how a child might see their drawing and how imaginative they are. It's also to think about how we can bring things to life through art.  Storyboard: