ICM Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal

Project Category: Rhythm Game

Inspiration: I just enjoy rhythm games. I like listening to music almost 24/7 and rhythm games are a creative way to engage with music besides singing or dancing. This is really just a project to make me happy but if other people enjoy playing it, that'd be rewarding as well.

Plan: I'm hoping to take the things I learned during the Midterm (https://editor.p5js.org/lh1966/sketches/44iUn5LIw) and improve on them. I also want to incorporate the things I learned while making the visualizer (https://editor.p5js.org/lh1966/sketches/2gtCW8Pdr), such as the blurred background and maybe the particle effect (as seen below).

I'll probably completely change the layout of the way I did things in the Midterm because I think the way it's mapped out makes it very difficult to distinguish directions, at least for me. I haven't decided if I want to do a falling notes style, like in Guitar Hero, have the notes come from the center and move outwards like in the Persona rhythm games, or keep the notes moving from off-screen towards the center. I'll probably have to test it and see how it feels.

I think this project is intimidating because it's not just about getting the code working, it also requires good game design skills to make something that is intuitive, the right amount of difficulty, and would be fun for others. I'll be relying on user testing in class once I have a prototype to see what needs to be improved.


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