COM 6.2

 Harmony Composition




    For this project, I wanted to focus on the naturally occurring harmonies and drones found within nature. I started by using an ocean wave loop audio as the drone for the project. I discovered that wav files loop better in p5.js than mp3 because mp3 leaves a gap between the end of a loop and the beginning of the next one.

I was originally going to have different types of nature noises but I discovered a youtube video about the different kinds of singing birds and decided to use those audio clips as the different layers of harmonic options, so as to create a "choir" of birds. The biggest problem I ran into for this project was audio clip size. The most I could make each clip is about 3 seconds before it would cause an endless load in the sketch. I worked around this by just looping each audio clip in the code until it's turned off.


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