ICM Week #1


Circles: https://editor.p5js.org/lh1966/sketches/Z41ZYcVjw


Name: https://editor.p5js.org/lh1966/sketches/T0HM9iwiV  


Portrait: https://editor.p5js.org/lh1966/sketches/PSLuP1au_

For this assignment, I watched the videos assigned and started to play around with editing circle values. I quickly caught on to what each value represents and from there it wasn't much trouble creating the circles for the assignment. The name assignment was a little trickier since it required a variety of shapes and understanding how the argument affects the function of each shape. I would say the hardest part for me to wrap my head around was thinking about each value as a point on a graph, since I haven't done any mathematics in several year. Once I grasped that, it became a lot easier to get the lines to go where I wanted them to go. The portrait was harder, but funner, to figure out exactly how to make the picture I was imagining.There was a bit of trial and error to figure out where placing new code breaks the existing function.

I haven't thought much about what kind of projects I'm going to make. I'm focused on learning the basics the best I can before jumping the gun and thinking about how to apply this knowledge. I've always been interested in coding but apart from quick html editing on a blog, I've never really had the chance to dive into it. I did take a animation rigging course in my undergraduate studies and that required learning a bit about how animators have saved coding sequences that they use over and over to replicate stuff in their work. I'm looking forward to learning what's possible with coding and hopefully making some projects that I can be proud of.


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