Hypercinema Week #1

    For our project, as a group we came up with the idea of a soundscape that details the act of

arriving and entering a home, probably an apartment. So the journey would start just outside

the house, then opening the door, entering the home, and then being in the home. For our

object, we settled on a key.

    Like a lot of people in apartments, I hear the sounds of keys turning and doors opening and

closing. I hear my neighbors talking or blasting jazz music above me. I hear my landlord

taking her dog down the stairs and outside for a walk. I hear the sound of construction around

the corner and cars honking on the main road. While trying to think of specific sounds that

relate to my experience of arriving home, I thought about walking on wooden floorboards and

the sounds of pets greeting you when you come home. These are the types of details that I

think make a setting sound unique and give it character. This is what I tried to focus on when

recording my sounds, capturing unique sounds that would evoke an image.


Rough script:

  • Arriving home:  atmosphere (traffic, nature, etc), people talking, walking up and down stairs
  • Door opening: taking keys out, fumbling for the right one, inserting keys into lock, unlocking and opening the door, taking the keys out and putting them away, closing door behind
  • Inside the home: Indoor ambiance (air conditioning, heater, electronics), pets, other people, sounds of people walking above or below, sound of feet on floor (wood, metal?), setting bag(s) down


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