ICM Week #6

Idea: My goal for this project is to create a functional rhythm game. Since something like this would require several functions, animation, and conditional statements, I thought it would be a good way to push myself and practice the topics we have covered so far.

Coding: The game grid would be comprised of a 3x3 square with blocks ("notes") coming in from offscreen and you would have to press a key (probably Enter) when the notes line up with the grid to get a score. I originally created a large grid but with the randomness of the notes that I wanted to include I was worried a bigger grid would encounter impossible scenarios like trying to get from one corner of the grid to the other. I want to include a random aspect to the spawning of the notes so that every time you play it feels new and exciting, especially since I'll probably just be coding for one song, instead of having a catalogue.

So far, I have the grid mapped out and the key press functions working. I'm looking forward to sharing the final product in class.


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