COM 4.2
Melody Composition
this project, I wanted to continue the trend of thinking about how to use non-traditional instruments in my work. I came across videos of how people use wine glasses to play songs and decided to create an emulator on the A major scale using wine glass pitches. I liked the clean, simple style of the first exercise that I did in this class so I adapted that for this project. The hardest part of this was finding the sound bytes to use because there aren't a lot of sound packs out there that have scales using wine glasses. I managed to find a youtube video with someone demonstrating the scale and chopped it up into individual sound clips, although it doesn't have the light mesmerizing sound you think of when you think of wine glass playing. It sounds more like a piano being played. I think this project would be interesting to people who are interested in trying the wine glass instrument trick but either don't have wine glasses or don't want to make a mess setting them up with water. The biggest change I'd want to make is finding better sound clips.
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