COM Final Proposal
Inspiration: A running theme throughout my projects in this class has been accessibility to the average person and something that makes complex topics simple and engaging. There was one specific application that was shown in class (I can't remember the name of it because it was a while ago) but I remember it was about education and that really inspired me to start thinking about how I could make an educational experience out of the knowledge I've learned. Learning music and music theory is a daunting task if you have no familiarity with it. Even though I've been involved with instrument learning and choir since I was a child, there are still things that I find fascinating that people can do. Like hearing notes and immediately knowing what they are and in what key. I'm pretty good at listening to something and figuring out how to play it on my own, and I annoy my friends by constantly recognizing the composer for movies by sound alone, but I never learned how to ...