
Showing posts from September, 2021

ICM Week #3

For this assignment, I wanted to use several components so I could practice all the different things we've been learning. For the background, I created a gif from a video game that I like. In the video game, there is a disco mini-game. I thought that would be a fun little inspiration to center my project around. The song that plays is from that mini-game. I made two different interactivity features: a color-changing slider and an audio effect button. The slider allows you to change the overlay color of the gif on the RGB scale. The button plays a sound effect when pressed.  I spent a long time trying to figure out exactly how to do what I was imagining creating. I originally thought about making a slideshow of screenshots that are controlled by a slider so it gives the illusion of animation. This required knowledge of indexing and arrays, which I found to be very confusing, so I altered my idea to work with the knowledge I already had. There were a lot of little things I had to fig...

Hypercinema Week #3

For my synthetic media I chose AI Dungeon, which is a single or multiplayer free-to-play role playing game entirely created by interacting with an AI. It's similar in concept to games like D&D where you create a character and immerse yourself in a fictional universe. There are several free scenarios to pick from. I didn't dive into the multiplayer side of things but you can basically create a campaign with friends. How it works is you pick a scenario or location, create a character (optional, you can take a randomly generated one), and start the campaign. The AI generates the basic setup of the story and from there you have a chatbox at the bottom of the screen. You can choose between 3 actions: Do, Say, Story. Do is imputing an action you want to take. Say is what you want your character to say next. Story is writing out a detail that you want to happen right then. You can also choose to enter nothing in the textbox and just press Enter and the AI will generate the next bl...

PhysComp Week #2

  Prep: I read the recommended material. I think it was a lot to remember in one go but hopefully as we apply this knowledge it'll stick. I think it was slightly less intimidating to read once I realized that I had already encountered a lot of these terms, albeit without necessarily properly understanding what they meant entirely. Lab 1: These labs definitely felt like they took me longer to setup and troubleshoot than the last ones. This lab in particular I was having trouble with getting the Arduino programming to work. However, after fiddling around in the Tool settings I was able to get the code running. There was a bit of wire misplacement but once I sorted that out, I had the switch and LED's working. The only thing I noticed is that I had to hold down the Arduino to keep it in place. I assume this isn't normal so what does this mean? Is it a problem with the breadboard or the Arduino? If I don't hold it, it won't properly fit into the board and nothing works,...

ICM Week #2 For the creative exercise, I repurposed my sketch from last week. It already possessed one of the requirements, motion following a mouse. I added a background that changes color randomly and the eye color changes upon pressing play. The tail is now animated to rotate up and down the y axis on the one end. I think everything worked out fine. I was a bit confused by last bit of the exercise about making the layout "responsive". I interpreted it as making the variables like the x,y specifications for circles be relative to canvas size but I went the extra mile last week making my portrait so to completely re-do all of the variables in that way would have been way too much work. I don't really have any questions at the moment.

Hypercinema Week #2

  Soundscape Link:

PhysComp Week #1

     I started the labs with the setting up of the breadboard. I successfully inserted the wires portrayed in the first image (Figure 8) but I wasn't really sure why I was doing these things specifically so I asked for guidance from my partner who has also taken some physical computing classes. With his help, I was able to understand what the wires are doing and why it's important to properly ground circuits. Once I finished the initial setup, I moved on to powering the breadboard. I ordered all the components on the Basic Parts and Tools BOM on Sparkfun but they hadn't arrived in time for this lab, and I was unable to find the parts I needed on the floor, so instead of using a DC powerjack to power the breadboard, I connected the arduino to the breadboard and then to my computer with the provided cord. I proceeded to setup the LED lab and learn more about currents and the relationship between supplying power and then grounding it.       I also have y...

Hypercinema Week #1

     For our project, as a group we came up with the idea of a soundscape that details the act of arriving and entering a home, probably an apartment. So the journey would start just outside the house, then opening the door, entering the home, and then being in the home. For our object, we settled on a key.      Like a lot of people in apartments, I hear the sounds of keys turning and doors opening and closing. I hear my neighbors talking or blasting jazz music above me. I hear my landlord taking her dog down the stairs and outside for a walk. I hear the sound of construction around the corner and cars honking on the main road. While trying to think of specific sounds that relate to my experience of arriving home, I thought about walking on wooden floorboards and the sounds of pets greeting you when you come home. These are the types of details that I think make a setting sound unique and give it character. This is what I tried to focus on when recordi...

ICM Week #1

  Circles:   Name:     Portrait: